Friday, 30 October 2015

Anak Sultan Brunei


Tadi dekat-dekat subuh kan I mimpi anak Sultan Brunei (ASB) nak kahwin dengan I. Hahahha. Jangan la gelak. Mimpi ja kot. Mimpi lucu. Takdan mimpi basah. Jam dah bunyi kena bangun. Hahahha.

Kisahnya begini. I ada attend satu meeting ni dengan ASB ni lah. Tengah-tengah dok meeting tu tiba-tiba ada bunyi phone call. Semua orang dok tercari-cari dari mana bunyi tu. Tengok-tengok tau fon sapa bunyi tu? Fon colleague I Fadhilah. Hahahhahahahaha. Tiba-tiba Dila masuk dalam mimpi I. ASB ni dah hangin la dok bunyi tak berenti. Terus dia pi siasat fon sapa. I ikut dia sebab takut dia nak mengamuk ka apa ka. Tapi kan I tak faham I ni PA dia ka apa masa tu. Pasepa I yang mengekoq dia. Takpalah. Pastu dia pi terus kat Dila sambil jegey mata and dia pegang poket seluaq Dila. Kira macam raba-raba poket Dila nak cancel call ka lebih kurang camtu. I pun apa lagi. I pun sua jugak tangan I nak raba poket Dila. Di sinilah bermulanya drama. Hahahahahah. Masa dok lawan raba tu, I pegang tangan ASB. I pandang mata dia, I bisik cakap habih lembut dah ni "yuusoffff taiiiyooobbb". HHAHAHAHAH. Tak tak memain ja tu. I kata kat dia "It's ok it's ok. Let me handle this. Tuanku (taktau la betoi ka tak I panggil dia Tuanku tu) sabar and sit down ok. I will get some water for you later. Tapi buat masa ni, let me handle this ok Tuanku?" Pastu I senyum meleret paling manihhhh sekali. ASB ni masa tu macam terpaku la dengan kelembutan I. Terdiam dia undur ke belakang.

Hahahaha. Adoi la.

Pastu start dari situ dia dok bisik-bisik kat orang-orang dia kata mau I. Kebetulan masa tu I don't know why rumah I kat situ jugak. Ada toto merah yang selalu I golek-golek dengan Noah. Orang-orang dia pi angkat toto tu. I kata "Tuankuuuu. Tu toto mak mentua I. Jangan ambik". Hahahha. Dia senyum ja dia kata "I have a better one for you. Do you want to be with  me atas katil emas?" Hahahahahahaha PENGSAN. Pastu dia dok start dah peluk-peluk nak cium I lah apa la. I dok mengelat la. Dok teringakt kat anak & laki. I explain kat dia banyak kali I cannot do this. I have a husband & a son. Dia tak peduli jugak. Dia kata he will take care of that. Yang penting dapat bersama I. Adoi geli hati la bila cerita ni. I memang down la masa tu sebab I was thinking of Hubs & Noah. I cannot do this to them. Takkan kerana harta. No. Tak boleh. This is not right. I dok cuba melepaskan diri. Tenentenennetttt alarm clock dah bunyi. The end.


What if this really happens in our real life kan? Adakah I akan sanggup tinggalkan family I? I don't think so kot. Selalunya kalau pompuan yang nak buat macam tu memang susah la. Ntah la mungkin sebab nilai-nilai ketimuran kita yang sangat pentingkan maruah kot. Atau sebab ajaran agama kita sendiri yang mewajibkan kita menjaga maruah dan hati suami. But what if orang lelaki kan? I rasa orang lelaki senang sikit kot. As long as enough justification and depa boleh explain. Apa pun boleh.

Tak gitu?

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

On This Day


Dekat facebook ampa ada tak benda On This Day tu? I tekan-tekan apa ka terus la ni tiap-tiap hari I akan dapat notification on what had happened on that day previous years since I ada facebook. Rasanya semua orang ada kot benda tu la ni kan. 

Personally, dulu I suka sangat application tu. Bila tengok tu boleh dok senyum sorang-sorang, boleh dok gelak tengok balik muka zaman kanak-kanak dulu tak boleh belah, boleh share-share dengan kawan-kawan "wei tengok awat kita macam berok makyeh sangat dulu?!".

Ada jugak yang I rasa wadefak gambaq macam ni pun hang upload ka Aida? Hahhaha. Biarlah I dan kawan-kawan ja yang tau. Semua gambar pun I dah private I sorang ja boleh tengok. Jiwa bebas masa tu. Bagi I masa tu, as long as my parents are ok with it, then I am free to do so. Mak Abah kan line clear skit nak pi mana, nak pakai apa. Hehehe. La ni ja bila family has expanded, I memang berhati-hati sangat with what I uploaded & put on the internet. Jiwa bebas out you go. Hahahha.

Ada benda yang I rasa seronok sangat bila tengok balik. Tapi sebenarnya dalam seronok-seronok tu pun sedih jugak. Orang yang dulu selalu singgah kat my wall post komen itu ini now dah takdak. Nak like pun memang jarang sekali. Dulu it's like we lived in facebook. Tapi now macam masing-masing dah ada life masing-masing. Semua dah sibuk dengan hidup sendiri. Bukanlah I attention seeker sangat apa I up semua I nak orang komen. I cakap compared to dulu, memang la ni kriikk krriikk sikit la facebook tu. I tak kisah sangat pun actually cuma looking back it made me sad la..tu ja..Kawan yang dulu enjoy happy-happy now macam not so dah. Mungkin masa dah merubah segalanya kot. Ya lah, I dah bertudung, ada anak..nak enjoy happy-happy lagu mana sangat pun. Hahahha.

Kesimpulan entry ni, memang takdak motif sangat. Hahaha. Rasa tak lepas jugak perasaan ni. A lot to let out tapi I tahan ja lah kot. I malas nak berkonfrontasi.

Ok bye.

*tiba-tiba emosi*

Friday, 9 October 2015

Why Most Women "Can't" Breastfeed


Alhamdulillah I was blessed with breastmilk up until now. Tapi sekarang dah campur jugak dengan formula sebab pumping dekat office doesn't make enough. On average, Noah minum 1-2x saja sehari. Ada juga pernah terdetik dan kononnya dah decided nak gradually stop pumping sebab everytime pump rasa frust tengok hasil. Tapi tak pernahnya sampai hati. Pi jugak pump walau dapat sikit. "Rezeki & hak anak tu" - asyik terngiang-ngiang.

To all mummies-to-be, think about this carefully & please give breastfeeding a consideration. When you have that mentality, In Shaa Allah akan ada susu & Allah akan permudahkan.

Dalam article yang I insertkan kat bawah ni pun ada mentioned that if you have desire, you can make it.

But whatever your choice is, remember that no one will & can't judge you :-)


Photo Credit: Lillian Sediles Photography | lilliansediles.comBreastfeeding versus Formula Feeding is a hot debate. Mothers feel judged, whether they choose to breastfeed or not, and we are in the midst of Mommy Wars. Mothers who breastfeed feel like society shames them for feeding in public. Mothers who formula feed feel like they are lambasted by lactivists for ‘being lazy’ or even ‘poisoning‘ their child. I’d like to shed some light on why so many mothers cannot breastfeed.
Only an estimated 1-5% of all women have the inability to produce enough milk for their baby. Even fewer, around 2% of women, cannot physically lactate or have problems that lead to the inability to breastfeed (child has a cleft palate, mother has glandular tissue problem, etc). From the rest of the 95% of mothers who have the ABILITY to breastfeed, 81% of mothers try to breastfeed, 17% are still exclusively breastfeeding at three months, and then it drops to 14% at four months. Exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months is only 1% in the UK (From the NHS 2010 Infant Feeding Survey). Is breastfeeding really so difficult? In our society, yes it is.
Our society doesn’t see breastfeeding as the norm. Mothers don’t get the support they need. The reason why most women can’t breastfeed is because they are missing these 3 essential things for successful breastfeeding.
Here are 3 Things that Women Need in Order to Breastfeed (if baby doesn’t latch on right away):
breastmilk_vs_formula1. A Strong Desire to Breastfeed. There are many reasons to breastfeed: bonding, less expensive, more convenient, lose weight faster, healthier for baby, etc. If you don’t really care to breastfeed, you’ll probably end up giving formula.
2. A Good Support Network. If your baby doesn’t latch on right away, establishing breastfeeding is HARD. Sometimes it’s painful. Most of the time, it’s tiring from tending to your baby every 15 minutes to every hour just to feed. It’s embarrassing for some, since our society doesn’t embrace public breastfeeding. Other times, the baby isn’t gaining weight fast enough for your doctors. If you don’t have a good husband, partner, mom, sister, friend, or community group (La Leche League) telling you you’re doing the right thing to keep at it, you’ll probably start supplementing with formula and then maybe switch to formula full time.
3. Access to Good Breastfeeding Experts. There are good experts and there are bad ones. When I was struggling with breastfeeding, I called the local LLL leader and she came to my house the very next day after I called for help. She was able to give me moral support and recommend a lactation consultant. That lactation consultant was able to identify a submucosal tongue tie as well as a lip tie and was able to recommend a dentist who did multiple tongue and lip tie cuts every day! Plus, my insurance covered almost all of it! Sadly, some experts won’t be able to find the problem and can’t help a mother in need. And other people don’t have access to or can’t afford procedures that might be needed to establish breastfeeding. Don’t trust the hospital midwives, nurses, or doctors to give you advice on breastfeeding! Always find a LACTATION CONSULTANT. Hospitals advise ‘topping up’ with formula which leads to the Top Up Trap.
Top Up Trap
In order for a mother to breastfeed if baby doesn’t latch on right away, she would have to have all three of these things. To start, if a mother doesn’t have a strong desire to breastfeed, she will most likely switch to formula before pursuing other options (so they dropped off at #1). Others who have that strong desire personally may have been told by their husband, parents, or friends that they didn’t need to ‘suffer’ through breastfeeding and begin to believe that formula is ‘just as good’ (didn’t have #2). And if the mother had the support, but didn’t have good lactation consultants, found them too expensive, or needed procedures done that weren’t accessible (tongue tied or lip ties), they switched to formula. Sometimes mothers are given BAD advice (topping off with formula), giving supplements with bottles (nipple confusion), and lose milk supply due to the advice given. Mothers also don’t realise that how much you pump isn’t a good indicator of how much milk you are producing. There’s a huge misconception about milk supply, how it works, and how it can be measured.
It’s rare to have all three of these things. So even though 95% of women can physically breastfeed, this is why only 1% of mothers can establish breastfeeding for up to 6 months (even though WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months and supplemented breastfeeding with food up to 2 years or beyond). There are factors outside a mother’s control that play into breastfeeding successfully, so even if you strongly desire to breastfeed, you may not be able to establish or continue to breastfeed without good support and good breastfeeding experts.
Some examples of POOR ADVICE given by “experts” are,
  • “The baby is losing too much weight, you’ll have to supplement with formula.” This is wrong advice, because the best food for babies is breast milk, so a professional would recommend pumping in between feedings and supplementing with pumped breast milk.
  • “It’s been two weeks and your baby is not back to his birth weight, it’s time to supplement with formula.” As already mentioned above, it is better to pump breast milk than right away go with formula. And secondly, this timeline doesn’t fit all babies. Some babies may take a bit longer to gain weight. Other babies were bloated from the extra fluid (received from the mother receiving IV fluids during labour and birth) that their birth weight was elevated (false). This is especially true for c-section babies. For more info on maternal fluids and birth weight click here. Remember, each baby is different, and experts need to be looking at other factors that may indicate failure to thrive. If developmentally, socially, and emotionally the baby is doing well, then the actual number when it comes to weight may not be something you have to worry about. In some cases, it may take up to 4 weeks for the baby to be back to birth weight.
  • “The baby shouldn’t be feeding every hour, he must not be getting enough milk, you should top off with
    Newborns’ stomachs are so small that feeding every 15 minutes is a variation of normal! Some newborns are efficient sucklers, so they may only need to be on the breast for 5 minutes and then sleep for several hours. Other newborns are still figuring out how to suckle and may be on the breast for 1 hour, sleep for 15 minutes, and then be up again to eat. Real signs to look out for are if it feels painful. Breastfeeding shouldn’t be painful. It may be uncomfortable for the first few seconds of latching, but the discomfort should go away. If discomfort or pain persists, seek a lactation consultant to see if there is a tongue tie, lip tie, or suggestions for different positions to improve the latch.
  • “The baby shouldn’t use your breast as a dummy, it should be for feeding only.” Giving a newborn a pacifier (dummy) may cause nipple confusion, which makes latching onto the breast more difficult. Giving a newborn supplemental formula with a bottle also may cause nipple confusion. The way their tongue functions is completely different when sucking on a bottle compared to the breast. Newborns often enter a “fourth trimester” after birth and sometimes the only thing that comforts them is the mother’s breast. This is normal and should not be denied or substituted; plus, this best regulates a mother’s milk supply. (The b
    est way for a mother to produce enough milk for a baby is by demand, putting the baby to the breast as often as he wants it).11201172_1502040286782035_4254934609137638146_n
  • “If you’re not sure how much your baby is getting, try pumping instead to see how much milk you can produce.” Breast pumps are not as efficient as the baby. They cannot get out as much milk as a baby, and they don’t stimulate the breasts as well as the baby to signify to the mother’s body to produce more or less milk. If you’re worried that your baby isn’t getting enough milk from breastfeeding, don’t use pumping as a measurement of what you can produce. Instead, count your baby’s wet diapers.
What do I do if I’m struggling with breastfeeding? First, figure out why you want to breastfeed. Read 101 Reasons to Breastfeed to give you more determination and knowledge if you feel you are lacking. Second, find a good support network. If your husband, mother, or friends don’t support you, contact your local La Leche League orBreastfeeding Facebook Groups! Third, find a good, highly recommended lactation consultant. And Fourth, if you’ve done all three and still struggle, I encourage you to pump or express your own milk. In the WHO’s Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding, it recommends:
  • Milk from own mother by breastfeeding,
  • Milk from own mother, expressed,
  • Milk from a wet-nurse, or
  • Milk from a milk bank, or
  • Breastmilk substitute fed by cup
In case you didn’t catch that, “Breastmilk substitute” (formula) is the last recommendation for feeding your baby. I have been so encouraged by fellow mums who couldn’t breastfeed due to cleft palate or other reasons but chose to pump and exclusively bottle feed their own pumped milk. Life doesn’t get more hectic than pumping every three hours and then bottle feeding your baby (You know who you are, and you are a hero)!
If you are pregnant and preparing to breastfeed your baby, you can work on establishing these three important factors to best ensure breastfeeding success right now! Another helpful article on this topic can be found here.
What do you think? Do you agree? Where did you struggle with breastfeeding?

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Taiping 2015


Hai uols. Bersiaran lagi kita hari ni. Kemain.

Rasanya dah lama I tak share apa-apa aktiviti I pi jalan-jalan kan? Macam la dok pi merata. Kekekeke. Last Sunday my family ke Taiping. Saja ja outting sama-sama. 3 biji kereta. Kereta I, Kakak & Dikman. Tapi family Pakcik pun ikut jugak. Quite hazy tapi tak teruk sangat. So boleh la layankan jap. Dah bagitau kat depa kalau teruk sangat jerebu, I tak keluar kereta kot. Lepak dalam kereta ja dengan Noah. Alhamdulillah dapat jugak picnic tepi tasik & masuk zoo :) Cuma kami tak join mandi sungai. Sebab dah nak Asar masa tu and Noah pun needs to sleep. Nasib baik jugak la tak turun pi sungai tu. Laluan nak pi ke tempat tu agak mencabar kot. Sempat juga Kamal tidoq seround. I dapat lelap mata sat ja. I susah sikit nak tido lama-lama kalau tempat tak selesa. Diva sangat. Dah la, ampa tengok gambar-gambar ja ok? Tak larat nak cerita-cerita. Ngantok lepas makan ni. Baru balik lunch kat Padang Kota. Niat dihati nak makan chicken chop & nasi goreng. Tapi sebelum keluar lunch tu I silap pi makan 2 ketoi bahulu goreng. Terus macam kenyang sikit. Malas cerita tapi ni dah 3 line melencong cerita.

Sampai Taiping terus pelahap. Lapaq ketaq dah.

Seronok apa taktau. Ni tak sengaja punya shot.

Tom Ford baru shuooollss.

Tengok anak saya macam saya. Pemalu orangnya. *Ehem*

Sunglass baru, kasut baru...hahahaha okbai.

Cubaan Naufal membuat peace.

Maaf Noah agak seksi.

Mader & Doter.

I rasa kat Taiping tak rasa sangat jerebu sebab banyak pokok-pokok. Jadi kami telah diselamatkan oleh bekalan oksigen yang banyak. Hehehe. Tapi kat Penang hari tu teruk gila orang kata. Phew.

Ok tu ja cerita Taiping. Masa depa dok mandi sungai tu tiba-tiba hujan lebats gila. Sekali lagi nasib baik I tak bawak Noah pi. Noah pun memang ngantok sangat. Dia tido dalam keta tak sedar diri. He is such an angel. Sepanjang hari tu memang sangat bersabar. Panas la, ngantok semua dia tahan. Good boy!

7 months food pulak.


Hello gang.

Jom I cerita sedikit sebanyak experience I buat food untuk Noah since he is now in his 7 months dah. I dah start bagi bubur nasi + sayur + meat + buah.

Ini pun pening juga la mencari sana sini macammana nak buatkan dia bubur. Kalau ikut mak-mak kita memang senang ja la. Ambik nasi panaskan balik dengan air sampai kembang then masukkan la apa-apa sayur yang nak bagi kan. Memang nampak mudah & boleh ja I nak biar Mak or Mama buat camtu. Tapi I fikir balik, kesian pulak depa nak kena spend some time buat itu ini. Makan masa. So I decided nak tolong takat mana I boleh tolong. Thank you to Pariah (Farah Bahazelan) untuk menu food yang boleh I prepare untuk Noah. Gila belambak dia foward. Boleh buat buku. Of course tak baca semua. Hahahha. I buat paling senang, paling Malaysia ja. Mihmihmih.

Alhamdulillah Mak tak habis-habis dok nyanyi kat I senang banyak dia sekarang sebab I buat siap-siap dah untuk Noah makan. Kalau tak, dia nak kena masak la blend la bla bla bla. Eh, macam kena berletiaq jugak tu? Hahahha. Alhamdulillah dapat jugak ringankan beban Mama and Tok. Atleast mama can have her free time juga on reading ka, ibadah dia ka or anything la..Tok pun boleh pi melawat kawasan. Lulz. =p

Let me briefly story mory to uols cara penyediaannya ok? Sorry takdak gambar jugak lagi. Tell you what, nanti I rajin dan teringat, I akan ambik gambar and lambakkan dalam satu different entry ok? Nampak sikit macam banyak entry blog sendu ni. Hahahampess.

Mola-mola I basuh beras dulu. I taktau nak agak so I ambik 2 setengah cup yang I dok guna untuk masak nasi. Tengok-tengok boleh buat stok untuk 2 minggu lebih. Takpa buat banyak tak rugi sebab benda kering. So takdak la berkulat ka apa. Cuma kena tutup properly la to avoid dari masuk angin and semut ka masuk. Then pastikan ianya sentiasa kering. Eh tak cerita pun camna nak buat kan. Terus jump kepada cara penyimpanan. Potong markah.

Lepas dah basuh bersih-bersih, I goreng kering. Goreng kering bermaksud tak payah bubuh air ka, minyak ka. Terus chiong chiong (bunyi goreng) dalam kuali. Some people akan toskan beras tu dan biar dia kering naturally. Tapi I dah tak boleh tunggu. Start buat pun dah pukul 9 malam. Pukul berapa baru nak boleh blend kalau nak tunggu? Kekeke. Ok bila dah yakin yang beras tu dah kering, letak dalam blender dan kisar halus. Sepatutnya kena guna blender kering. Mana la I nak ada blender kering bagai. Blender yang dok ada ni pun mujur orang bagi masa kahwin itu hari. Haha. I gelojoh at first. I bubuh semua beras dalam blender. Memang tak bergerak la dok greeekk grreeekk tang tu la. Bila I keluarkan balik and tinggal dalam suku blender ja, baru la bergerak. Tapi disebabkan guna blender biasa ja, maka tak dapek la blend halus sangat sampai jadi macam tepung beras. Tapi jangan risau, nanti kan kita nak masak, kembang juga beras tu pastu lenyek-lenyek la kalau nampak seketul sangat. Ok siap dah blend semua. Habis terpercik sana sini kat dapur tu. Heheh.

Then I moved on to Noah's vegies. Tak adil kan hidup ni? Mak dia secoek sayoq pun takmau makan. Anak dia kena paksa. Heheh, yes please Noah don't be like Ummi. Not good ya. Gotta love your vegies, son. Untuk minggu pertama, I buat carrot kat dia. Same process jugak macam buat puree. Skin, steam & blend. Cuma this time, I tak boh la dalam bekas plastik Daiso tu. Banyak sangat. I beli ice cube container with lid kat Giant. Spoon la the carrot puree dalam cube-cube tu. Sukatannya ialah sekali makan, 1 cube. Ayam pun I buat camtu gak. Buang lemak, dice, steam then blend. Pastu masukkan dalam cube tu jugak. Untuk ayam, I beli fillet isi tu. 2 keping tu dapat la untuk seminggu. Sama juga sukatan, 1 cube untuk 1 kali makan. Buah pun I did the same. Puree kan ia. Buah I bagi makan 2-3 hours after his bubur pagi tu. 

Cara nak masak pulak ialah sekali cedok dalam dua sudu makan beras yang dah diblend tu. Then masukkan air then masak la. Rajin-rajin pi jenguk and kacau. Kalau tak nanti melekat-lekat berketul. Nampak macam air dah nak kering, tambah lagi air..keep on tambah-ing air sampai you alls rasa nasi tu dah cukup kembang. But not so kembang satgi hangus pulak bubur. Hahah. Bubur pun nak masak hangus.  Sebab apa, sebab uols nak campakkan 2 kiub sayur & 2 kiub ayam pulak. Untuk pengetahuan semua, sukatan ini untuk 2 kali makan ya. Kalau nak buat sekali makan ja, pandai-pandai la uols sukat lain. Pastu biar cubes tu semua lebur dan mesra dengan bubur nasi itu. Lepas tu, taraaaaa siap untuk dimakan. Awas! Biaq la sejuk sikit ok sebelum nak suap anak tu. Sup sap sup sap, nak buat ni ambik masa less than half an hour ja pun. Cepat dan mudah bukan?

Konon-konon nak ikut jadual bagi makan la. Pagi at 8am camtu bagi bubur. Then 10am lebih bagi buah. Lepas tu 12pm lebih, 2pm lebih, 4pm lebih bagi susu. 6pm bagi bubur lagi sekali then terus mandi petang. Malam tu bagi susu ja la. Tapi tau la baby kan, kena ikut time depa ja. Kadang tu tido terlebih time. So pandai-pandai la main time. Kalau weekend, dia akan kurang skit makan solid. Sebab mak pak dia ni kaki jalan. Nak suap makan time kat luar tu macam belemoih sikit. Nanti tunggu dia besar sikit ha baru I bagi makan kat luar. Haha boleh pulak lagu tu noh. Dua-dua Mak and Mama dok cerita Noah ni tak boleh nampak pinggan dia. Dia nanti jadi tak tentu hala takdan dan nak makan. Huahuahua. Bila kita suap kan kena stop sat sebab nak cedok lagi kan, haa Noah kenot wait. Hahaha.

Next round ni, I buat brocolli pulak. Buah patutnya epal lagi tapi sebab Noah tak berak dah 5 hari ni, so I suruh Mama bagi pisang ja kat dia. 

Nanti I masukkan gambar ok. Tapi bukan esok atau lusa la. Minggu depan atau minggu seterusnya mungkin. Hahahahahhaha.

Ok bubui.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Baby Noah's first food.


Noah kan hari tu masuk ja 6 bulan terus I bagi dia makan solid food dah. I mean like exactly on 3 Sept tu I bagi dia makan. Hahaha. Punya ikut peraturan. I takut juga dengan I ni, I am becoming a typical mother. Le sigh. Tapi every moms have their own worries kan? *blow nails*

Wei berkurun entry ni duduk dalam draft. Hahaha.

I bab makan Noah masa 6 bulan tu I ikut buku. That 4 days rules sebab kita nak tengok dia allergic pada apa jenis makanan (kalau ada). Alhamdulillah so far Noah takdak apa allergic pun. Telan ja semua. Cuma hari tu I buat sweet potato campur biskut dia buat muka pelik and muka terpaksa telan sangat. Nak tergelak tengok. Kesian.

First 4 days I suruh Mak bagi dia bubur cair. Masa dia mula boleh makan tu dia kat rumah Mak. Mak blend nasi panas-panas dengan air masak sikit. Dah cair & hancur baru bagi dia makan. Mula-mula tu memang buat macam nak muntah-muntah. Yela tak pernah rasa benda lain masuk selain susu kot. Memang la pelik kan.

Then I bagi makan pisang. I lenyek-lenyek pisang tu dengan EBM skit. EBM pun dah tinggal nyawa-nyawa ikan. Yang nak buat minum pun dah sikit sangat. Huhuhu. Pisang tu boleh ja kalau ampa nak blend..tapi kena ingat, nak bagi makan sikit-sikit ja.nak blend takkan sebiji ja? Hihihi. Pisang senang ja nak lembik. Rajin lenyek ja. Well, my baby enjoy juga pisang. Muka kelat-kelat juga mula tu sebab tak pernah benda manis masuk kan. And then laju sajooooo.

Then I guna 4 days rules la untuk benda lain. Untuk first month Noah makan ni, I buat kurma, sweet potato, epal, carrot & pumpkin. Semua buat puree. Proses buat puree adalah seperti dibawah:

1. Skin & dice bahan apa yang ampa nak buat tu
2. Steam dalam 20mins or sampai tender. I guna steam dalam rice cooker tu. I ni kan kurang cerdik bab-bab kat dapur ni. Nak steam pun habis kecoh kat group whatsapp camna nak buat. Rupanya baru tau rice cooker I tu boleh steam. Thank you girls! Muahciked.
3. Blend halus. Masa Noah 6 months tu I tak campur dengan air masak langsung masa blend. Susah sikit la nak hancuq. Kena dok goncang sana sini.
4. Letak dalam bekas kecil-kecil. I bought plastic containers from Daiso. 4 ketoi RM5 ja. Boleh la untuk buat bekukan food tu. Tapi ingat, not for simpanan yang lama sebab plastic bodoh camni not BPA free ya.
5. Masa nak guna nanti, I transfer dari dalam container tu ke dalam mangkuk microwave. Some people simpan dalam container yang macam kita tapau makanan tu kan. Yang boleh reheat tu. Tapi I tak guna tu sebab again, not BPA free. Tapi terpulang kepada setiap mummies, ok? Ching!
6. Campur EBM sikit or air masak, terpulang jugak kepada mummies. Then wallaaaa sumbat dalam mulut baby!

Senang and fun sebenarnya prepare food untuk baby ni. I tak sangka I yang jaraaangg sangat masuk dapur, yang nak masak untuk diri sendiri pun liat nak mams, boleh buat food for another human being. Amazing!

Tapi minta maaf sangat I takdak picture of every puree yang I prepared. Ada pisang ja. Ni I share kat bawah.

Wajiaq Dikman kata sedap sangat sampai juling mata.

So mummies, try buat sendiri tengok. Fun weih. Dulu I dok fikir nak beli Heinz ka apa ka yang dah siap dah. Tapi tah tiba-tiba rasa kerajinan sangat berlebihan, maka denga itu I dok punggah dah bekas steamer and cuci dah blender bagai. Hehehehe.

I will share Noah's 7 months food pulak nanti okeh?

Mucho love!