Wednesday 4 January 2017



Wow sedar tak sedar dah 2017. Dah hari ke 4 pun. Mana pergi lagi 3 hari tu? Cepatnyerrr lah haiii. Masa Nov tahun lepas (kah tahun lepas macam jauh ja padahal baru sebulan lebih), berlalu dengan pantas gilos zaaappp zaapp dah masuk December. I thought December would slow down but lagi laju rupanya. Baru dok rilek-rilek tak fikir pasal Lombok sangat but damn must I hurry. Nak bayar itu nak bayar ini, semua kena fikir dah hoi. Garu kepala sat tengok budget & how much I have to ikat perut. Tahan segala napsu nak beli itu ini. So sad. Tapi Alhamdulillah semua payment dah settle. Tunggu hari nak pergi ja ni and all the other things in between (read: kena beli baju baru kekekeke). I will be off to Lombok from 27 Jan – 30 Jan tapi 26 Jan tu dah gerak dari Penang sebab my flight to Lombok on 27 tu early morning at 8.35am. Takkan nak gerak dari Penang pukul 2am pulak kan untuk nak mendapatkan sampai KLIA2 ngam ngam flight time. Mengantok sangat tu waktu tu. Baik diri I sendiri or Hubs. Eh dah kenapa cerita pasal Lombok pulak. Orang nak cerita-cerita pasal nuuu yahhh ni.

Masa sehari before masuk 2017, my friends in our whatsapp group ada buat list of new year’s reso for each person. Setiap orang kena tulis la apa reso dia. Believe it or not, I don’t have any! Sucker. Masa tu I rasa sia-sia jadi manusia sebab takdak reso. Hahaha. Tak boleh nak fikir langsung. Jem terus. Sebab previous years pun buat reso masa awal tahun ja ingat lepas tu dah macam “what was my reso again?!” Lupooo kisahnya… So this year I wasn’t thinking of any. Boleh macam tu? But of course, I know deep down, even not only for my but for everyone one else, of course we would want to be the best version of ourselves better than who we are before. Itu dah macam by default. Who wouldn’t want that right?

But today I came across Vivy’s blog. More to I stalked her blog everyday, guys. Hey it’s a good thing ok. She inspired me in many ways. Like now. She wrote it so well & so accurate that I curi the paragraph as my reso. HAHA. Ampun Vivy.

Here’s what she said:

“How did my life get so blessed? Sigh.
But really, guys, I’ve learned that life is what you make of it. If you’re a grateful person, the biggest or the smallest things in life will make you feel content. Don’t wait for others to love you, instead love them first without expecting anything back. Don’t compare yourself to others, instead work with what you have and build happiness in that. Don’t be jealous of others, instead be happy for that fellow sister/brother. Be at peace within you, love your family, think good of others, and life will suddenly be so beautiful.”

We humans always take things for granted. All we do is ask, ask & ask for more. We forgot to just stop and look back at what have been given and be thankful for it.


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