Hari ni tajuk agak berat sedikit. Benda ni terdetik lama dah dalam benak fikiran I. Ampa rasa street smart ka book smart ka lebih relevan dengan arus dunia sekarang? Would you be a street smart kinda person or a book smart kinda person?
Street Smart
"A person who has alot of common sense and knows what's going on in the world. This person knows what every type of person has to deal with daily and understands all groups of people and how to act around them. This person also knows all the current shit going on in the streets and the ghetto and everywhere else and knows how to make his own right decisions, knows how to deal with different situations and has his own independent state of mind. A street smart person isn't stubborn and actually listens to shit and understands shit."
Book Smart
"Being able to succeed scholastically, and not necessarily in the real world."
Petikan-petikan diatas I dapat daripada En Google.
Harap ampa semua dapat differentiate between this two. To me personally I akan kata I jenis street smart. Smart ka tak tu wallahualam. Hehehe. Dulu I ingat lagi zaman sekolah ka zaman belajar, buku tu macam musuh. I tak suka baca buku. I cuma baca buku bila nak exam. Itu sahaja. I will memorize the points. Sometimes ja I understand the whole text. Ini pengakuan ikhlas. I lebih belajar daripada kehidupan seharian. Daripada pengalaman-pengalaman. Daripada TV. Like seriously. Tapi what happened to me now? Alhamdulilah I'm doing quite well. Yes I did finished my diploma. Just for the papers. Sebab nowadays you need papers to climb up. But. Jangan lupa. You need experience too. Kalau you tengok balik semua job requirement posts, apa yang takkan hilang dari requirements? EXPERIENCE. So to me, how high you study pun it all goes back to experience. Without experience, you will need to start from below jugak. Sebab tu banyak graduates kita semua masih menganggur sebab semua expecting to starts very high selaras dengan their papers. Tak salah depa jugak. Of course la depa nak apa yang depa dah usahakan tu to be worth while. Bayar yuran mahal-mahal, cost of living masa study semua tu yes kena jugak ada pulangan. But to strive in this kind of world, you need to be street smart jugak.
I'm not saying book smart wouldn't do well in this world. No, ada ramai ja orang-orang yang jenis book smart ni berjaya. And I sokong setiap orang yang nak further study. Kalau you mampu dari segi financially, dari segi mentally please sila further study to the highest level that you can. But please be street smart as well. Trust me it will save you in a lot of situation.
Kenapa tiba-tiba entry ni? Sebab budak-budak amik result SPM kan hari ni? Saja terdetik. Ada orang yang tak mampu nak teruskan pengajian. Tapi Alhamdulillah after struggling for years, kedudukan depa sama ja dengan budak-budak baru grad. Eh ni bukan I kata jangan pi sambung study pulak tau. YOU NEED PAPERS. Cuma kalau tak dapat sambung belajar tu jangan la pulak sedih your life is over ka apa. Jangan can start anywhere from bottom. Climb up from there. Nanti dah keja pun boleh lagi sambung study. It all depends on your will power.
Even dulu lepas grad I keja apa? I keja kerani cabok ja tau kat Maybank. Tak guna pun diploma I. For 2 years jadi clerk. Tak boleh naik officer sebab officer need degree. Kalau nak guna diploma, tunggu lah 5 years. Tapi I fikir masa tu, takpa...start dari bawah. Rezeki ada kat mana-mana. Gaji masa tu RM800 ja. Tolak pi tolak mai, nak beli kasut pun tak lepas. Tapi I sabar. After that 2 years tu dapat offer jadi secretary kat Rasa Sayang. Dengan berbekalkan diploma I, Alhamdulillah I terima that job offer & bertahan selama 4 tahun. Since I started working with Maybank, when I know at that time that my diploma wasn't really helping, I became street smart. I mingle around. I socialite around. I tengok dunia. I bercampur dengan macam-macam jenis orang. I belajar dari situ. Belajar handle orang, belajar baca orang, belajar melalui kesilapan-kesilapan I, belajar melalui kesilapan-kesilapan orang. My "social" life has thought me a lot. If you're street smart enough, you will find a way to get involve in the social life but not too involve. Alhamdulillah I tak terus hanyut.
You all rasa mana I belajar guna computer? Ada computer kat rumah? No. Ada masuk kelas computer? No. Internet cafe? Yes.
Street smart bebeh.
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