Tuesday 3 September 2013

100 days. Al Fatihah.

Surah Ali 'Imran, ayat 185:
Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion.
Al-fatihah to Allahyarham Ahmad Ruly Fazly. Till today, I still can't believe that I have to pronounce "Allahyarham" before his name.  Him whom were once very close to my heart. Him whom have changed the person I was before. For better. Him whom have thought me the meaning of patience, sincerity, faithfulness & all the other things that I am today.
Almost 10 years knowing him had made me look at life in a different way.  Unconsciously, he had thought me MANY things. Though it was through a very negative way I must say, but it came out positively. Now I know the reason why Allah SWT sent him for me before. To test me,so I can get prepared & be ready to be with Kamal. Alhamdulillah & Syukur Ya Allah for sending me Your love through him.

I will never forget everything that he had done for me & everything that we had went through together. Basically I "grew up" with him. Spent my whole teenage phase with him. But the knot was never ours. We split. I never believe that lovers can be bestfriends after they broke up.  But we proved ourselves wrong. He was my bestfriend. Sincerely.

I think i better wrap it out now. I don't want anyone to misleads this with I'm not being truthful to Kamal.
Ahmad Ruly Fazly (Mar 1985 -  May 2013)

May his soul rest in eternal peace and may Allah SWT bless his soul and give whoever that have known him and his family the strength to bear this irreplaceable loss. 



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